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DropLit™ v2 DIY Resin 3D Printer Kit

  • Sale
  • Regular price $749.00

  • SKU: 78899

This product is discontinued.


*We provide no software for controlling the machine at this time.  There are a few open-source software projects out there and more coming soon.  Skylight and NanoDLP are a few software options, and for non open-source software there is creationworkshop*

The DropLit™ v2 is designed for the makers out there wanting to get into resin 3D printing fast and on a budget.  It is a complete DIY kit, minus the projector of your choice, that lets you build the mechanical assembly and electronics in just a few short hours.

The open-source design lets you make/modify and expand on it's already amazing specs.  For the electronics we chose to include the Mini-RAMBo full 4 axis 3D printer electronics so you'll be able to expand if and when you're ready.  Yes, it's overkill for a machine that only needs 1 motor driver, but it's what we KNOW works hands down and has the reliability of any UltiMachine controller.  

But that's not all!  Included with every DropLit™ v2 is the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B as well!  Unplug from the cumbersome USB cables and control your DropLit™ v2 from any web browser on your local network using programs such as Nano-DLP.  

This is a very DIY oriented KIT that you'll have to build and calibrate and get working.  It's definitely not a plug and play solution.  It requires appx. 4-6 hours to assemble the kit, and a variable amount of time to tune and calibrate whichever projector you choose.  


Specifications: *

  • 115mm width x 70mm depth x 115mm height build area
  • Flexy-Vat flexible FEP vat included
  • Mini-RAMBo electronics
  • Raspberry Pi 3
  • Multiple projector mounting options

* Specs are highly dependent on which projector you choose and how well you calibrate it.  We have done all of our testing using Acer P1500 series HD projectors, but many others are capable of being used.  


DropLit v2 Build Manual