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Documents & Instructions 


(legacy docs below)

Delta Calibration Wizard 

Use this wizard is for use with RAMBo controlled SeeMeCNC Delta printers. These includee RostockMAX v1, v2, v3, Orion, Eris, and H2 printer models.

Click here to go to the Delta Calibration Wizard page





 Rostock MAX v3

Assembly and setup guides for v3 only. For v3.2, use link at top of page.

Rostock MAX v3 DIY Kit Assembly Instruction Manual

Rostock MAX v3 RTP User Manual

Probing GCODE (immediate download form seemecnc)

RostockMAX v3 Firmware




 H2 DIY Hacker Delta

 H2 Assembly Manual




 ERIS Delta

 ERIS User Manual 

 Eris Firmware Update Instructions 




 ORION Delta

ORION Users Manual For Current Models

This is the complete User Manual for the Orion Delta 3D Printer that came with the firmware version 0.91.  To verify this, simply look at the LCD screen when it powers on and it will display the machines firmware information

ORION Users Manual For machines with 0.83 Firmware

This is the complete User Manual for the Orion Delta 3D Printer that came with the firmware version 0.83.  To verify this, simply look at the LCD screen when it powers on and it will display the machines firmware information

ORION Delta Firmware 

Calibration Gcode Files

These two files are handy for calibrating your ORION DELTA.  The first one named ORIONTOWERS will help you set your three tower endstop screws so you have a level table.  The second file named ORIONHRADJUST is for adjusting any delta offset (concave/convex) movement if you modify or adjust your machine.  It is specifically written to work best with the newest (091 or newer) firmware for the ORION DELTA.  If you are using an older version, you can either update your firmware, or you will have to modify the firmware settings and re-upload for versions previous to 091.




 Rostock MAX v2 

We recommend the follow deviations from this guide


Building and Assembling Guide

Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide 4th Edition  *

* corrections:


User Manual for operation and general setup (factory assembled machines start here)

Rostock MAX v2 Users Manual


Older versions for reference can be found below:

Rostock MAX v2 3rd Edition Manual for kits shipped between appx. 06/2015 and 10/2015

Rostock MAX v2 2nd Edition Manual for kits shipped between appx. 02/2015 and 06/2015

Rostock MAX v2 1st Edition Manual for kits shipped between appx.   03/2014 and 02/2015


Rostock MAX v2 Firmware






 Rostock MAX v1 (kits shipped BEFORE appx. 2/22/2014)

We're often asked for help when someone buys one of these original kits assembled by the original buyer. SeeMeCNC will always provide help, but realize we will only direct you back the these original assembly instructions. We are not able to teach basic wiring, soldering, electrical troubleshooting. These are all basic skills and subject matter you can search on the web. :)

The RostockMAX v1 printer kits would have been assembled by the original purchaser.  SeeMeCNC did not manufacture fully assembled printers at the time these printers were sold, we only sold a parts kits. So these machines would have been wired and built by the original buyer.  As such, you should carefully review all connections and wiring. Review there are genuine SeeMeCNC factory parts used on the machine (reference the manual) or you could risk fire or damage to personal property or death. 


Rostock MAX v1 Assembly/Users Manual

The complete Assembly Manual and users manual for the Rostock MAX DIY 3D Printer Kit

Rostock MAX Firmware

Here's a link to the firmware for the Rostock MAX 




 SeeMeCNC Open Source Files

 Open Source Files



  MatterControl User Manual

Here's a guide to get you started with our printers and MatterControl software.

Mattercontrol User Manual 






The below links are for our SeeMeCNC specific versions of MatterControl.  Use MatterControl to store your stl files, create your gcode and manage your prints all in one software.




MatterControl Pre configured Slicing Profiles

These settings are pre-configured for great starting prints with MatterControl software.

MatterControl Orion

MatterControl Rostock MAX



Windows USB Driver for RAMBo Controllers

RAMBo USB Driver for Windows, including Windows 8 (Will require manually installing this driver)

Linux and Mac use CDC the interface and have the hardware driver built in already

Slic3r Pre configured Settings

These older profiles were proven to be good starting points for use with slic3r on stock 3D Printers.  They were taken directly from our own setups at the shop, the only thing you may need to alter is the machine tab to set it to your machine size.

PLA Profile

ABS Profile

T-GLASE Profile



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